Thursday, February 28, 2013

Hyperlinked Essay

Write a short essay of 500 words discussing your throughs about remix culture and creativity. You must incorporate a discussion of the use and affordances of digital tools including those you are using. What you write can be cut and pasted from somewhere else online, but it must be hyperlinked back to the source material. Your essay must contain no less than ten hyperlinks. It is recommended that you write with some familiarity of the first three readings:

RiP: A Remix Manifesto - Brett Gaynor (2009)
What Comes After Remix?- Lev Manovich (2007)
Worship at the Altar of Convergence - Henry Jenkins (2008)

This project is due on Friday 14th of August and counts for 20% of your final grade.

Your assessment is based on:

Your blog being up and functioning.
That you can write and hyperlink.
That you have a conceptual understanding of the topic.
That you can reflect this understanding in writing.
That you can reflect on the written understanding of others.